



 They talk about me

Stare in jealousy

Acting like they care

Giving these fake hugs

Reopening barely healing scars

Each word carving deeper


I bleed internally

My heart yarns for an escape



I sit isolated

In a room full

Of my blood

This is the only bond we have

For they don’t love me

And frankly I don’t care

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mamasan commented on They


I hear you and while not attempting to minimize your feelings of entrapment and isolation; it seems they have the problem not you. You are a thinking young lady and I predict you will get thru because you know the secret......the power is within you not them.

christliked commented on They


I was eaten up the same way and now at 50 they have not changed and the only suffering was mine. They will continue to justify every attitude and action so get free. Forgive them and go on because God is trying to save you by helping you understand the source of true love and none of them have it. read my poem Black Sheep

boomboom56 commented on They


Such pain and heartache. Your words cause tears to well in my eyes for you. I don't know where the anger comes from, but it is there. You seem to write effortlessly. Keep it up young lady.

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

liltrudesi92’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
Title Comments
In my head 2
Cursed 0
My Blissful Blasphmey 2
They 3
wishing 0
Sick 4
I never wanted 0
good enough 1
to my bro 1
Wolf 2
Amazing 1
Time ( the end) 0
Need 0
Deteriorating 1
Gone 2
4 months 0
one month 1
Head aches 1
My slice of heaven 2