


I’m sick of not being smart enough for an Indian girl

Sick of every movie making fun of my kind

I’m sick of not being tall enough

For frankly I like looking like a midget

Sick of these size 0 making me feel fat

Sick of everyone being scared of a female or colored president

Tired of these narrow minded thoughts people try to infuse into me

Sick of these lies everyone tries to play off as the truth

For not even you believe them

As time changes you wouldn’t think the roads would still be packed with hate

Yet again the color of my skin and the culture I associate with is tattooed to my forehead

Sick of going to the airport and getting checked

Sick every ones problems being worse than mine

Sick of you thinking about what’s under my jeans instead of my heart

I’m sick of being stared at like a piece of meat

Why do my assets over power the most beautiful part of my mind

For that’s who I truly am
Sick of these people who pretend to be my friends and stab me in the back

Tired of you thinking just because I don’t cry that I’m made of stone

Sick of this world being an unjust place

But most of all I’m just sick of being sick

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stellar commented on Sick


like the content and message of the poem...i can really relate with the thought...i also kind of experienced what you experience...

boomboom56 commented on Sick


your writing hit the nail on the head. this world is in such a mess and the people just walk around like zombies or sheep. I agree with your statement about being sick of being sick, But maybe we can start to change things by speaking up, even if we get persecuted for it. You hang in there young lady and don't back down.

Kdaddy commented on Sick


Sick and tired of being sick and tired has brought on many important changes in history. You are at a place where you can channel it to make a change. I can relate to some of it.

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

liltrudesi92’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
Title Comments
In my head 2
Cursed 0
My Blissful Blasphmey 2
They 3
wishing 0
Sick 4
I never wanted 0
good enough 1
to my bro 1
Wolf 2
Amazing 1
Time ( the end) 0
Need 0
Deteriorating 1
Gone 2
4 months 0
one month 1
Head aches 1
My slice of heaven 2