one month


  • Love

    one month

    As the rain drops wash it all away

    Fear seems to escape

    Left with this whole hearted feeling

    Complete for the very first time

    Like shoe laces we intertwine

     Still in your eyes as the time speeds by


    For like sand I can’t fully grasp you

    Only ask for some kind of forever

    As you hold the key to this heart

    Just try not to break this fragile soul

    As we become one

    Like a song and its rhyme

    Like the birds and there chime

    We seem to fly

    Like rain drops we fall in harmony

    Poem Comments


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    mamasan commented on one month


    Yes, reading your poetry I discern you are tasting the sweet and bitterness in life. And, your reaping experiences that will serve you well. You are amazing for one so young to be able to recognize and focus on what choices are in your cards.

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    liltrudesi92’s Poems (19)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    In my head 2
    Cursed 0
    My Blissful Blasphmey 2
    They 3
    wishing 0
    Sick 4
    I never wanted 0
    good enough 1
    to my bro 1
    Wolf 2
    Amazing 1
    Time ( the end) 0
    Need 0
    Deteriorating 1
    Gone 2
    4 months 0
    one month 1
    Head aches 1
    My slice of heaven 2