The Unattractive Book


The Unattractive Book

Sometimes I feel like an open book with many open or unfinished chapters, Wanting the book to be read but ashamed of stories written on pages that seem to have no end. Sometimes I feel like a closed book with many closed and finished chapters, Never wanting the book to be read again simply because of being ashamed of the things that are written that even I never want to read again.

Today I write not to rhyme or to tickle emotions but to allow the thoughts in my heart, mind and soul to flow. Realizing that holding things inside can often be a silent killer, so i write to live and to be free as an eagle soaring the royal blue skies.

 I think about the eagle sometimes, how he represents freedom and life. I often wonder how an eagle seems to soar above all trials tribulation and all aspects of life, appearing to be full of energy, joy, contentment and seems to be on top of his game at all times to others that watch from afar. But others fail to see the broken wing he has, the pain and the trouble that it has trying to fly. Not wanting others to see, he puts on a front that he's perfectly alright, but the whole time he's flying he struggles to hide the pain of flying with a broken wing.


So it seems with others as well as myself, we go on with our lives appearing to be alright, smiling, laughing. Appearing to be living to others yet we're only existing to ourselves. Carrying around brokenness from many people, places and things. Many tears are shed, feelings of despair, thoughts of suicide, the spirit of depression creeps in, the desire to do many inappropriate things come to haunt us in private. We reach out and scream for help in our own way, and no one seems to hear or pay attention to us in our many efforts to regain our stability and focus. It's almost as if we're in a glass bottle and the world observes us with every motion of helplessness and are able to see us only.


Sometimes, like the book on the shelf that has collected dust on it, with the faded title, torn cover and fringed pages, you sometimes wonder will people ever except you for you and not for who they want you to be. Will they pick you up and dust you off and take the torn cover and open you up and realize by the turning of every fringed page that there's a story that was designed to help them at some point and time. Will they realize that the reason for the torn cover and fringes on the fringed page came from life's experiences and that simply because it survived the test of time, although torn and fringed, it's worth reading.


I found out that knowledge is acquiring or the gathering of facts, and wisdom is the ability in knowing how to use the knowledge. With that being said , sometimes you wonder what is my purpose, why was my story written, why is my story being written, why did I have to go through all the things I went through? It's simple because through your experiences you gain knowledge and now you have the wisdom on how to use the knowledge you've gained; therefore you're able to help others that will come traveling down the same path, and oh they will come.


Even those that looked over you and refused to take the time to read you because they judged you by your faded title, torn cover and fringed pages will eventually travel down the path one day. And when they come traveling down that path, when they've tried every option the path has to give them they eventually get weak and began to faint. But before they faint they happen to look over and see the old dusty book that they refuse to read. So they eventually grab the book, take the time to dust it off and read the title, rub the torn cover, open it up and began to read the story that is written on the fringed pages.


As they read, they gain strength, as they read they gain direction, as they read they gain knowledge and wisdom, and they read they realize that the have gained a true friend with substance and while reading, they hear something above them, it's the eagle reminding flying higher than ever before. Flying to remind them of who they used to be, where they used to be and who they are now and where they are now. So to those that read this I ask that you live and write to be free so that those that read your story will also live form the knowledge and wisdom that you've imparted into them.


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MsKrystle commented on The Unattractive Book


I used to keep a journal when I was a kid and write all my thoughts down because writing is my outlet. I had to stop keeping a journal because my family would read it and those were my personal thoughts so i felt violated and betrayed. So now I used poetry as my outlet but even now I feel censored and have to be careful about what I write because I dont want to open myself up and have someone take it the wrong way. You speak the truth through this poem and I know that I have to let down my barriors, open myself up and express myself through my writing more often. Thank you for sharing this



I want to say thanks for sharing your encouraging words and always express yourself

cmlestrade commented on The Unattractive Book


This is what I feel poets do best, make us feel the emotion. We are like books, not one novel but many. Some we finish as you say and some we don't and what we are most ashamed of we don't want revealed. This whole poem becomes a simile as to why and how we become. I love it. Every statement you made was relevant to me of course, but I would imagine it has meaning for many others. One terrific write.

poet4dasoul commented on The Unattractive Book


Yo!, man this poem's writing was tight; its like nothings changed under the sun except the dawn of a new day, so ppl are still the same. It makes us wonder about our books and the content of'em while contemplating our society. It's funny how hindsight is 20/20, but at some point I think lots of us try to use 20/20 going in and it slows up the process; even for the book. Caution, Commitment, and Endurance are the keys to the book. The three of'em are powerful pieces to see things thru, and I respect the script alot it is on point with life fully included. That's what's up! Peace Poet. poet4dasoul



Man thanks for the words of wisdom few people have the ability to give. I always say and as I stated in the poem, we should write so that others can relate and gain strength. I look forward to reading yuor pieces man.

shontel commented on The Unattractive Book


This is truly deep and inspirational. It brought me to tears. Here I thought I was the only one with a story to tell but no one wanted to open my book and read it. I often feel like the flying eagle with the broken wing. I dont know what hurts the most: my broken wing or putting on the front like it doesnt hurt. You have such a raw gift and talent. I look forward to reading more of your work. Also, check out my latest: Death to her & Love and I



Would like to say thanks for teh kind words and I'm glad to know I wrote something that you could relate to and I will check out yuor latest piece.

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

Sorealpoet’s Poems (17)

Title Comments
Title Comments
I Am A Real Brutha! 2
It Is What It Is 1
Waiting To Exhale 1
She Struggles To Live 3
The Spiritual Solution To The Uncovered Sin 5
Mrs. Beverly 1
The forbidden Call: Part 2 4
The Forbidden Call: Part 1 2
Five Senses Of You 2
The Unattractive Book 4
Unclosed chapters 5
The Broken Heart Of A Determined Woman 10
I walk alone 8
The Last Goodbye 4
Mother Is Her Name 3
I Tried 10
The Value of Friendship 10