The forbidden Call: Part 2


The forbidden Call: Part 2

Unfortunately the price that i had to pay was higher than I expected.
Little did I know this payment would have such an effect on me that it would cause me, by people, to be rejected.
Questions were asked and pondered, but no one every asked questions to understand me for me.
But more concerned about which I desired, he or she


Whispers and rumors fly from person to person from those that know me and those that know of me.
There were times i asked God why me and i often thought I would be better being hung from a tree.
But despite the things I went through and endured, all is not lost.
Sometimes we go through things not for ourselves but for others that don't have the strength to endure, so i don't regret paying the cost.


A little graphic I might have been,
but it was only to show you that everybody has a story that majority of the time they have stored up, locked up, and held in.
I wrestle with my sexuality from time to time, so much that I give out a stressful sigh.
Questions linger in my head, am i gay, am I straight or am I just simply bi


Don't get me wrong i know the truth for me when it comes to spiritual things.
but the battle is letting go of things imparted into me at a young age and letting them fly away with eagle wings.
Hmmm, so judge if you must, like others have, digging ditches for the one they've judged with their mouths, contributing to the scarring of their hearts and their emotional and mental state.
But don't be surprised if you or someone in your family or someone
close to you falls to the same fate.


Oh i know some will say it will never happen to me,
or some will even say what you don't know won't hurt you, now that is the key.
For most will not tell their story, for fear of thoughts and opinions of themselves from others.
so instead of facing the storm, they'll just take refuge in themselves and and put up the defensive wall and covers.


I do not throw nor have i ever thrown a pity party about things that's happened in the past.
For living there will cause you to die and life as we know it will fade away and for you it will be the last.
I forgave even as a child then because of what I was taught.
For forgiveness for your sins aren't predicated on what they've done to you but what you choose to do towards them and can neither be sold or bought.


So don't think ill of the man that introduced me to that thing that called me early in life.
Sex is it's name, the one thing later in time I could not control, the one thing that keeps me single and enables me from fully committing and finding a wife.
It's a weakness for me but I have it under control now.
So the next time you go to judge one that acts differently than you do, remember what I've shared with you and just pray, God help my mind and my thoughts towards them, help me to understand and most of all help them to find you and to correct their ways oh Lord somehow.

 This is my truth, my life and my reality, just pray for me and thanks God it didn't happen to you..........


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GucciGurl commented on The forbidden Call: Part 2


Wonderful story and great to share. We should never judge ppl bcuz we do not no wat the past has put them threw. I will keep u in my thoughts

MsKrystle commented on The forbidden Call: Part 2


Wow simply beautiful. It must be really hard struggling with not know your sexuality. I have gay cousins and I never judge them. We always kinda expected my cousin was gonna be gay so when he came out it wasnt a surprise. I think its best that people are real with themselves and not try to hide it. There is something I've never told anyone for fear of being judged or thinking no one will believe me so I just kept it to myself. But thankyou for sharing your story.



Baby girl, yuo can write it down in code, use certain words that yuo pick to mean other thihngs that were yuor reality, that was if someone reads is that you haven't shared it with they won't know anything but what you've written.

patlee commented on The forbidden Call: Part 2


I pray that god will direct people into your life that will impart things that will help you with that struggle. I can personally relate me being a women it happen to me by a man, but i have a brother that it also happen to, and he to struggled for a while with weather he was gay or not because of this happening to him, he has overcome it but i know it will always be with him. You did the right thing writing about it, because we have to confess things in order to overcome them. I will keep you in prayer.

cmlestrade commented on The forbidden Call: Part 2


You are right and thank you for sharing and I think ill of anyone who uses and seduces innocent children. I can pray for them and love them as God orders but I also must convict them to the fact that child molestation is wrong. What defence does a child have? it is not consensual sex. Commit to God, then to yourself and all your hopes and dreams will fall into place. I pray with and for you, may God bless and keep you as you did no wrong when that occurred. by the way excellent write.

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

Sorealpoet’s Poems (17)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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It Is What It Is 1
Waiting To Exhale 1
She Struggles To Live 3
The Spiritual Solution To The Uncovered Sin 5
Mrs. Beverly 1
The forbidden Call: Part 2 4
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The Unattractive Book 4
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The Broken Heart Of A Determined Woman 10
I walk alone 8
The Last Goodbye 4
Mother Is Her Name 3
I Tried 10
The Value of Friendship 10