The Things You Do...


  • Sadness

    The Things You Do...

    The things you do effect everyone around you
    The things you do i never figured out why
    Why you do certain things and why you don't
    You don't know what you want and then you do
    You are full of mystery and confusion
    And it seems to me like your just an
    The things you do isn't all you
    Sometimes the things you do is the
    reason why i love you
    The things you do isn't really you!

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    cocownuts’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Untitled... 2
    To My Mother... 4
    The Things You Do... 0
    Someday... 2
    Lovin' Lies 3
    Betrayal! 0
    HOW? 1
    When I think 1
    Without Your Love.. 1
    ~Drowning~ 1