The stars


  • Stars

    The stars

    The stars
    that dance and sing
    are people
    who left this world with wings
    to live in a place in the sky
    with all the other stars
    as they fly around singing peaceful songs
    the glow of the stars
    are something special
    to just to sit
    watch them twinkle
    is just for you be happy
    when you see a twinkle
    in the starry sky
    it might be a relative
    just saying hi
    so when you look up
    just smile
    at what was given
    to us

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    jdaflash commented on The stars


    Dancing accros the light of day, the place where the sun begins to make the stars unseeable, the glow of light starting the new day with all it's potential and dancing accros the mountains on the moon is where I want to go.

    xntric commented on The stars


    Beautiful sentiment! The stars are so captivating! This is a nice way to think of them.

    icarus0580 commented on The stars


    Nice job expressing your feelings about the night sky, one of my favorite things. I have spent hours staring at the heavens and seen some marvelous things. Thanks for helping us remember that our loved ones are always with us.

    RHPeat commented on The stars


    We the grains of sand on the beach stare into the heavens and dream of shiny wings. Your Neighbor in Auburn A Poet friend RH Peat

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    blackshadow’s Poems (88)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Her Eyes 0
    Fighting Within 0
    Echo Time Past 0
    This Time 0
    Splendor 0
    Hold on 2
    Blowing 0
    Lost in a valley 0
    Life as we know it 0
    Life Without LOVE 0
    Winning Age Race 1
    Can you hear me scream 1
    Crying 1
    Find my way 1
    Over the hill 3
    Words 4
    Dreams 1
    Love always hides 2
    Mirror Holds The Past 3
    valley is deep 0
    Guide me through 1
    Under the cross 1
    hour hand 2
    The storm 3
    rose peddle 0
    Ditch 0
    trust in the lord 3
    superman your everything 4
    depths of my despair 2
    walking hours 2
    In the land of tears 3
    Women don’t 1
    O lord 0
    colors 1
    Pain and hurt 0
    I called her name 1
    On a Journey 2
    Broken hearts 0
    In JESUS 0
    Happy is the man 6
    In my dream 2
    Ever found yourself 1
    Young is my mind 0
    Pour pour let it rain 0
    Father I called 0
    As the butterfly 0
    On the wings 1
    As she lays there 2
    Seeking life over death 0
    A cold wintery day 0
    Hope in something 0
    The sand 0
    Crazy!!! Crazy!!! 0
    I day I woke 0
    Angels 0
    There’s a castle 2
    I found GOD 0
    Flowers 2
    Tick Tock 1
    The loving flow 0
    Future!! 0
    Life full of wonders 1
    1 day I found myself 2
    When she enters 1
    Tension and stress 3
    When just when 1
    Through a child’s eyes 1
    I day of time stopped 0
    Have you wondered 0
    A woman don’t know 2
    The stars 4
    On the river 0
    The love that makes a man crazy 3
    I have walked 1
    The dream that I have 2
    Beautiful women walking 2
    Death is calling my name 2
    I have a love deep 1
    Have you ever dropped a feather 0
    I have lived this life 2
    As the wind blows 0
    God gives us the hope 2
    Smile when everything 0
    Up in the stars 1
    In the ground 0
    Someday I will find 0
    In my saddest hours 2