The Put Off


Poem Commentary

Take time to realize that putting on faces is matter what you call it!

The Put Off

Who Can say?
How will you feel,
when time reveals that Real

We saw it coming, some are known to say.
I am aware, It's come my way!

A time, a season,
a well layed plan, will yield no reason - yet,
it is at hand...

Who am I, the oft heard cry of many caught unaware.
Blank Expression, a now empty face pre-empting a well
placed stare.
a mind once Idle has embraced the space, left void by all who feigned Care.

Someone has surprised us, caught us way off guard.
Reactions scramble to cover over, the burnt, the spent, the charred...

How many times we act it out, that raw - the oncovered spot;
where once we were open, uncaring to all,
so natural we could be, so pre-set to fall.
So determined that we will not!!!

Why wont we just be ourselves...

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Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

JeffBQ’s Poems (20)

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