The Master is a Builder


Poem Commentary

I know of 2 very Real Master Builders, they are my Pastor Reverend C.Myles Young and My Bishop Reverend Nathaniel J. Wilson! I wrote this in tribute to them and too all they have preached and exampled into my life. I know that I have a foundation solid, I know what it is based on "Jesus Christ be the Chief cornerstone". I am ETERNALLY grateful to men not afraid to follow "The Plans".

The Master is a Builder

I met a Master Builder,
so wise and yet discrete.
Who bid me to come closer,
too sit down at his feet.

He taught me "The What of Vision",
The foundation, how carefully to lay
He taught me how to focus, so other voices, dare not sway.

He showed me ancient plans,
So exact! they eclipsed time.
He cautioned me to follow them...Yet NEVER!
Claim them mine.

He spoke of other students, as tears did well His eyes.
How carefully he'd apprenticed them and charged them to be wise.
And with regret, he told me yet!
There were so few - who build it right...

Most start out strong but soon go wrong
with short cuts, substitutions, inferior materials, some cutting costs and corners, caught up in their Own insight!

He bid me pay attention, to detail...too count the cost,
to lay down what the plans call for.
It's value rests in the completion, the strength can not be lost.

I'm now that Master Builder,
All taught me now lodged, locked deep within.
I build by plans...not of my hands
but those proven, to deliver from Sin.     

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Helios commented on The Master is a Builder


Wow... its good to have a mentor like that. I consider my Sunday School teacher a great mentor to me and a guide who leads me closer to the Lord.



Thanks Helios, Your comments touch the heart of what is meant...thanks for stopping by

jesusfreake commented on The Master is a Builder


awesome...! This is a serious eye opener and i catch on to the meaning very well....very powerful and uplifting as well



Thank you bluberrypie your comments are well taken and very much appreciated...I especially liked that you caught the meaning! again thanks for stopping by

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

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