The Little Pill


The Little Pill

I love you baby I always will

To stop the pain I take a pill

The Doctor said you’re depressed

So take this pill it works the best


I’ve never felt these feelings before

My heart, my mind, my body at war

It was driving me crazy… it couldn’t be ignored

He said he had something I should explore


It stops the pain it stops the crying

It stops the urge to keep on trying

The little pill that saved my heart

It’s kept the thing from tearing apart


In the end I’ll love again

And I’ll fill this page to the very end

With all my feelings from deep within

And cherish her words “I love you Ken”


© 2009 Ken Coleman

Not For Commercial Use

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scrye commented on The Little Pill


wonderful expression of feeling thru the use of words. An excellent write and am off to read another of your creations. Thanks for sharing, and a ten from me

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

flabubba’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Passion 1
Where Is My Love 3
The Clock 4
The Little Pill 1
I Found You 1
The Wish 4