The Last Fallen Tear


  • Family

    Poem Commentary

    It amazes me how the people that surround me in this world seem not to have hearts or realise that God has his own plan..all the dramatic plans made by man could never break someone with a heart, faith and courage.
     I wrote this at 16 as I changed the end recently because I refuse to be hurt anymore.

    The Last Fallen Tear

    Why is her life always unfair
    Why must she live in so much despair
    How many years must she live like this
    Pounded away by their destructive fists
    She never gives in she always keeps trieng
    Though year after year she is closer to dieng
    And she often wonders how much more she'll take
    How many more years before she just breaks
    People like her they dont seem to matter
    Instead of helping theres only just chatter
    This bitter world  oh the evil exists
    But only with them and their carefully played twists
    And she will hold on to faith it's so dear
    Though fear it consumes her
    Her Last fallen Tear 

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    HarverTomsson commented on The Last Fallen Tear


    At sixteen, an amazing piece of self-awareness or insight into another's journey through injustices. A few glitches of absent puntuation and a misspelled word or two, but nevertheless a powerful portrayal.

    lonewolf commented on The Last Fallen Tear


    very nicely written poem. i too can sometimes feel the pain you are describing. hold onto your dreams and dont be afraid to love, when love comes back around.

    JJMann commented on The Last Fallen Tear


    Sure the world can seem an endless congregation of hideous beings pouring out loveless betrayal. but in the dark night of the soul we have to find in our hearts the remembrance of people who love, who can love us as we are - and are looking for our love in return...



    that is beautiful

    Phoenix9 commented on The Last Fallen Tear


    very nicely done, pls write more

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

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