The Land Before Time


  • Nature

    The Land Before Time

    I pay tribute to the land before time,
    Stand in awe of the most ancient,
    To the kings of old she holds in her bosom,
    The echoing sounds of civilizations past,
    Relics of masters their works lie unmatched,
    That taught the whole world mathematics and art,
    Of mysticism and magic and poetry is fact,

    I pay tribute to the dark goddess,
    From her womb birthed the cradle of life,
    And all of creation marveled at the sight,
    The birth of a being in the image of its maker,
    A powerful avatar, a symbol of light,

    I shed a tear for the land before time,
    Ravaged and robbed, her power absolved,
    Her children abhorred, the kin of a lesser god,
    Divided and scattered, their very lives sold,

    I sing a song of the land before time,
    Her spirit relenting despite her grim past,
    A beauty reborn no longer outcast,
    Though still oppressed she still holds fast,
    Her arid cracked soil and dusty brown crust,
    A story of hope, and hope we must,
    That the world respects the land before time,
    For better or worse the task will be mine,

    Edwin Nderu Kamau

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    jademelissa74 commented on The Land Before Time


    "A story of hope, and hope we must, That the world respects the land before time, For better or worse the task will be mine," Edwin, what a wonderful, soothing piece! You have really managed to reel in the reader from the first line and hypnotize he/she for the remainder of the piece. Awesome Job!



    thanks erica im really glad you liked it

    SuSpence commented on The Land Before Time


    Another wonderful write daydreamer. This is the 3rd poem of yours I have read, and I now feel very honored and flattered that you liked my work as much as you did because after reading the quality of your work and seeing the height of your talent it really does mean a lot coming from you my friend. -Spence



    thank you for reading it means alot that you enjoyed it, much appreciated

    Hampton commented on The Land Before Time


    A poem that should evolve to be a classic. Edwin you shine in this poem and I can't say enough about your poetic talent.



    thank you very much for reading and im happy you enjoyed it.

    kmeadows commented on The Land Before Time


    How wonderful, this is just a beautiful poem! I actually cant comment to much because it totally overwhelmed me. You have an awesome gift!



    thank you so much for reading and im glad you enjoyed it,bless.

    AmadeusEx commented on The Land Before Time


    i love this because i want this again....the world you speak of will come around and im sure we wont be there to see it but it will be wonderful when it happens, great poem

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    daydreamer23’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Heroes 0
    Let me lend you my eyes for a day 18
    Pinocchio of society 18
    The Land Before Time 10
    My Life Is A Beautiful Sadness 14
    I only see you with my eyes closed 9
    Everything Is Nothing 9