My Life Is A Beautiful Sadness


  • Lost Love

    My Life Is A Beautiful Sadness

    My life is a beautiful sadness,
    A song that wrenches the heart,
    Oh where can I find a knowing ear?
    An inescapable sorrow wells within,
    Oh where can my soul find rest?
    There is so much beauty…
    But the sadness marks the test…
    Knowing is anguish but I dare not forget

    I look at the stars and see your face,
    Looking at you is like gazing at the sun,
    That rare glow in a myriad of lights,
    Stumbling in darkness I try to reach you,
    Tell me the secret of your love,
    Hold me in your embrace and take flight,
    Beyond reality..unspeakable bliss,

    My life is a beautiful sadness,
    So painfully beautiful,
    I am laughing and crying,
    I can do without neither,
    I pluck the strings of sorrow and joy,
    A masterful composition plays in my heart,

    My life is a beautiful sadness,
    The heavens did conspire,
    To walk the line of solitude and desire,
    To know joy and happiness yet never acquire,
    I cannot escape this destiny of beautiful sadness,
    I cannot escape the tears from your eyes,
    Your name is etched in my hurt heart,
    You are my beautiful are my life.

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    Hampton commented on My Life Is A Beautiful Sadness


    A very catchy title lends to this well written poetic work.

    Dreamer123 commented on My Life Is A Beautiful Sadness


    this is very beautiful your talented. i love it you share your emotions whether its sad, tearful, happy, love. it's just beautiful thanks for sharing.

    mistynites26 commented on My Life Is A Beautiful Sadness


    WOW!!! I can say nothing else for you have hit the nail on the head. I understand where you've been as i've been there too. Well done on capturing the moment of sorrow and beauty.

    SuSpence commented on My Life Is A Beautiful Sadness


    Wow, this is my 4th read of yours and it may be my favorite so far. This is such a beautiful poem, I am almost speechless. One thing I have noticed is the melodic flow of your words. I dont know if you are a songwriter, but if not you should really look into this is, I think with your writing ability, with some musical talent you could turn that beautiful sadness into beautiful music and maybe make an even bigger impact than you ever expected.

    jademelissa74 commented on My Life Is A Beautiful Sadness


    Poetic Satisfaction! I love the content, the sincerity, in which you speak. The following line struck me deep...."I cannot escape this destiny of beautiful sadness" I was completely in at the completionof that line Edwin! Thank you for sharing!



    thank you for reading im glad you enjoyed it.

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    daydreamer23’s Poems (7)

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