


And who will remember us, unsung heroes,
Whose names ring no bells, whose faces no recall,
Who achieve no societal fame nor critical acclaim,
Who live fantastic epics of ordinary proportions,

And who will remember us, unsung heroes,
Who walk not with kings nor dine with nobles,
Who accomplish in humility and die in anonymity,
Who remain uncredited in the saga of history,

And who will remember us, unsung heroes,
Who lived and laughed and loved all the same,
Who were tried and tested, and achieved not for gain,
Who learned not to weather the storm, but dance in the rain,

And who will remember us, unsung heroes,
Who are plain and ordinary and quite to the contrary,
Of what they speak of legends, whether real or imaginary,
And try to convince us we're living as nobodies.

And who will remember us when we're long gone,
When the world is anew and the stars are dimmed,
And the torch of existence is passed to our kin,
We may be forgotten, but somewhere beyond,
We join the great breath of creation within.

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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

daydreamer23’s Poems (7)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Heroes 0
Let me lend you my eyes for a day 18
Pinocchio of society 18
The Land Before Time 10
My Life Is A Beautiful Sadness 14
I only see you with my eyes closed 9
Everything Is Nothing 9