The Journey


  • Religion

    The Journey

    We look out way in front
    To try and see the end
    We forget where we're walking
    And surely where we've been

    God says, Let me take you there
    This Journey that you're on
    Let me accompany you there
    Let me love you as we walk

    Yet we require to finish
    To hurry and fulfill the task
    Only to question the Lord
    Where are you? we ask

    In a small quiet voice
    God says, I'm right here
    You're so anxious to finish
    You forgot that I was near

    I give you Journeys
    Not only to finish on time
    But so I can walk with you
    Thru the valley to the mountain climb

    You're in such a hurry
    To reach the other side
    You miss the intimacy
    The Journey brings as I guide

    When we run on ahead
    Leave God to be on our own
    It saddens His broken heart
    He yearns for that time alone

    The beauty of the Journey
    Is what it's all really for
    The Journey itself
    Brings us closer to the Lord

    So walk each day
    With Him by your side
    Don't get in a hurry
    And lose the Journey's site

    © Lagaya Evans

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    stephenmichael commented on The Journey


    This is I in the past few weeks...Self will...Self pity...I went back to church after trying alone for 3 weeks...I am out of this now...For now...Back to Bible study...This Poem is inspiring...10...

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Lagaya’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Journey 1
    Slowly Dying Love 1
    Some Days Never Come! 1
    The Dogwood 3
    How High Should He Have Hung? 1
    He Laid Down His Life 1
    Brushed By God's Own Hands 0
    My Hands 3
    Silent Whispers 4