Some Days Never Come!


  • Religion

    Some Days Never Come!

    Someday, we don't question
    That someday we will actually see
    A day we've put off till tomorrow
    A day that could never be

    Someday I'll fix that old stove
    Someday I'll mow the lawn
    Or maybe it's more important
    Someday I'll call my mom

    Some days never come
    Only the sorrow of what should
    Lost in yesterday's vision
    Seeing now what might of could

    I've not talk to my dad in years
    Someday I'll forget the blame
    He dies of a broken heart
    That someday never came

    Some days all to often
    Slip right through time
    You never revisit someday
    They're lost behind a faded line

    Will someday be to late
    Will you someday know the Lord
    Some days never come
    Is that the one you can't afford?

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    stephenmichael commented on Some Days Never Come!


    Someday will come...And we will be there at his side in glory...10...stephen...

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Lagaya’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Journey 1
    Slowly Dying Love 1
    Some Days Never Come! 1
    The Dogwood 3
    How High Should He Have Hung? 1
    He Laid Down His Life 1
    Brushed By God's Own Hands 0
    My Hands 3
    Silent Whispers 4