Brushed By God's Own Hands


  • Religion

    Brushed By God's Own Hands

    As we look around and see
    The beauty we behold
    The blooming of the flowers
    The clouds as they unfold

    All can only be explained
    As the tiny grains of sand
    The blue ocean water
    Brushed by God’s own hand

    It’s all as a painting
    The beautiful colors just so
    From his hand to the canvas
    Touches our very soul

    The creator of a masterpiece
    Strokes of color, creating man
    God said it was perfect
    Brushed by his own hand

    We can only be a witness
    To the genius of his work
    The artist of the canvas
    True to his every word

    We are but a painting
    Placed where God sees fit
    Placed meticulously just so
    In the light that’s always lit

    The wonder and the awe
    Of this place where I stand
    God has stood in this very spot
    Brushed with his own hand

    We should all be so thankful
    That God himself would take the time
    Brushed by God’s own hand
    Every aspect of our lives

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    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Lagaya’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Journey 1
    Slowly Dying Love 1
    Some Days Never Come! 1
    The Dogwood 3
    How High Should He Have Hung? 1
    He Laid Down His Life 1
    Brushed By God's Own Hands 0
    My Hands 3
    Silent Whispers 4