The Heavens Above


  • Life
  • ,
  • Death
  • ,
  • Loss
  • ,
  • Nature
    • Xxchosen1xX
    • Might begin writing again soon for you guys. Follow me on Twitter for updates! (: @MurderTheDark

    The Heavens Above

    I was born with a reason
    To hear your words of treason
    Trying to protect you
    As I saw the world in a different view
    I heard you crying, but I meant no harm
    As you and I were lifted into heaven's arms
    I once thought dark thoughts, but now I see the light
    And I'll grasp onto you with all my might
    Making sure it comes true, the secrets that I kept
    Whispered the words "I love you" as I left
    Because you are the one, the one for me
    And I know that, that we're meant to be
    When I softly kiss you, I can barely breathe
    It was my wish to see you, before I'd even leave
    You are my true love
    So let's fly to the heavens above

    I gave you all my wisdom
    Along with everlasting freedom
    I feel the end of my journey
    So peace be with thee
    I heard you crying, but I meant no harm
    As you and I were lifted into heaven's arms

    I try to show you how I feel
    To prove that this love is real
    I'm struck with a powerful emotion
    No matter what I'm here, only my devotion
    I will never let you hurt
    I will forever damage those who spread the dirt

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Xxchosen1xX’s Poems (11)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Waiting Room 0
    There Is Hope In Pain 1
    Nicotine 0
    Love Is The Weapon 0
    What Am I? 1
    Warped And Twisted 8
    Live To Forget, Die To Forgive 2
    Kimberlie, Do You Love Me 0
    The Heavens Above 0
    Desired Fantasies 0