Love Is The Weapon


  • Xxchosen1xX
  • Might begin writing again soon for you guys. Follow me on Twitter for updates! (: @MurderTheDark

Poem Commentary

These words came to me tonight and I had a feeling that if I didn't write it down or shared it with anyone then I would have been a selfish person. This is how I feel about the world and the condition it is in today. Even if I don't get any views or feedback then I can say I've tried. I hope you guys enjoy it and relate to it as I have done myself.

Love Is The Weapon

Blood pollutes the empty streets
While children starve for a bite to eat
We take out our anger against the Lord
Tell me why our hearts are nothing more
But illusions of love which disguises hate

We as people abuse the rights
And take our own lives in the night
We as people search for a higher faith
To find peace before it's too late
Tell me why we became such monsters

There are no answers to be found
While our world spirals down
Into the hands of lesser men
Tell me why we couldn't find it then
That love is the weapon against sin

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Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

Xxchosen1xX’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Waiting Room 0
There Is Hope In Pain 1
Nicotine 0
Love Is The Weapon 0
What Am I? 1
Warped And Twisted 8
Live To Forget, Die To Forgive 2
Kimberlie, Do You Love Me 0
The Heavens Above 0
Desired Fantasies 0