The Forest is a Journey In my Darkness complete....


  • Altair
  • Don't read me, I am not that good.......

Poem Commentary

Just another poem...enjoy...really that's it so read on =)

The Forest is a Journey In my Darkness complete....

Lets take a walk in the forest as the dark floods in
drowning every entity in charactered blend
darkness descends and in this I begin
to lose my sentient sight to transcendence..
Sitting near the tree towering so so high
it's branches still achieve to give shade to my eyes
but in this darkness I need not this disguise
for the eye still visual is third I surmise...
Hello mother nature, you're darkened by night
I love your black dress, it's cool to my sight
even in appearance, seemed hiding from the light
your form is glorious, the wind chills my pith...
Your amber hair a tendril like affair
wrapped around the redwood, so beautiful here
the crimson of your cheeks from my lips I die
a metaphor I beseech in unique incline
the darkness so strong, yet cannot hide
your scented breath of lotus petal divine...
Why? should it be? can it be that I lie?
as all senses fruitive to my imagery find
though the darkness that set upon this mother of mine
mine nature is but self, and self is mind
Mind is shine, and shine is prime
for privy to this example, I walk supine...
The owl on the branch above this tree, it's eyes
yellow like the sun's reflection in the sky
golden like the fleece, the one Jason prized
pierced my ever cynical heart otherwise
into it's Iris of dilated pupil
stumbled upon this forest of visual
never lost but forgotten was the earth's mother
her black dress and highlighted features discover
the wander in excellence, I wonder undercover
amongst the purple sky and jeweled stars asunder...

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ApaqRasgirl commented on The Forest is a Journey In my Darkness complete....


That was fantastic Altair, this is one of the best writes describing mother natures forest in the dark that I have read in a long time. Your words painted such a wonderful description that placed the reader right there in the forest visualizing the whole scene. And I found that your rhyming to be very unique in this one, a different style that I have not come across lately but you made if flow very well the way you laid it out........wonderful read dear.......a 10 from me.......thanks for the terrific asha



Wow you flatter me yet again smile plane's from ear to mind indeed...thank you again....And another thing is I recognize you from Mary's site...I wonder if you recognize whom I may be there...;-)



hmmmmmm, now you have me wondering, I can't seem to remember the name you are using here as one I knew on the bridge,,,,,,what name did you use there..........






ah yes, I do remember that name.....though I think we had not been friends for long before I was banned from her site.....but I do remember you know..........thanks dear, glad to have you as my friend again here at OP asha



Banned..o my



yep, sure was, after me and Mez built her the new website she wanted cause she was no longer going to be able to keep the ning site for free, then she decided to keep both sites, and then she decided to close the new on and keep the old one........but when I opened my new site she did not like it I guess cause all I know is that one day I tried to login and it said I was banned.....and none of them would answer my messages or give me any reason why..........but it is ok,,,,,this is my home here and I have learned so much more here about poetry and true friends who are family then I ever did on her site.......but I hold no grudge towards any of them and I am still very close to several of them and we stay in touch...........alas life moves on and we become better people as we travel down the paths live takes asha

dahlusion commented on The Forest is a Journey In my Darkness complete....


The trance-like darkness that this piece offers is like a ride on a surrealist roller coaster. Simply lovely. Bravo!! Peace and Light, dah

MalikPeterson commented on The Forest is a Journey In my Darkness complete....


Salaams you said it has been too long...but even though I have been absent...there are just certain people that shouldn't be forgotten and you are at the tip of the iceberg. The vocabulary that you choose to use is always so above the status quo and it gives your work that ne se know? The imagery...the personification...all of these literary elements so masterfully placed on display here...and I tip my hat to you...and some kudos fall out lol. the stuff of champions.

knight4696 commented on The Forest is a Journey In my Darkness complete....


Hey Pal .. Somehow you manage every time to amaze me. Your writing skills are to be commended! I read this one twice and the depths that you embark are incredible ... deep in substance and metaphors ... Loved it my friend! :) Ken

ginga commented on The Forest is a Journey In my Darkness complete....


Altair, I really enjoyed all the visuals that came to mind while reading. A poem of dark mood that provokes and mesmerizes. ginga

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Altair’s Poems (53)

Title Comments
Title Comments
?....? 0
The Builder refused 0
To be my most recent thought 1
I've Said enough to Know 2
I've Said Enough to Mean 2
Just because I like Trees 2
Contemptuous Nonchalance 2
Unearthly Manifest... 2
Like Water for Dark Chocolate.... 2
Impenitent Soliloquy 3
Figurative Meadow... 1
Windows 1
In jam meant to be... 2
Upon My "Death" 5
The Butterfly Effect Set … 4
The Quiet Storm Enters A Room... 2
The Diamond Age of Yesternight..
A Choir of Angels are We in Poetry.... 10
Dear Love, by the time you manifest this poem, you'll be gone..... 10
On Hallows Eve, Hollow grief as Death I Foresee......
From blood, death darkens to stone's manifest.....
The Forest is a Journey In my Darkness complete.... 10
The Wrath of My Titan Enlightenment
..whatever that is...
Failure of my trinity...lea
ked was in sanity.
A soul is loss....seeks an endless remorse.. 10
Madness exist in her gift..... 7
The London Show at the Tate's Estate.......
.Part two adieu
The London Show at the Tate's Estate.......
I'm Back.... 7
A Warped View of My Inner Sanctum...... 4
What do I see? What do you believe? 9
Lacking in Madness...... 14
Elemental portance in alchemic relevance.. 9
The Calamity of Conformity...
The Vicarious Rues..... 6
Within this Quill, manifest on the Canvas....Art 8
A Voiding thought is all I sought.... 4
Pushing away the loving Void....... 10
Vessels of ash, Souls thus passed... 4
The Infinite battle from Night to Light....... 5
Trick or treat in the Streets of hollowed teens..... 5
Untitled Breaths... 11
Kharon was the fairest of guides to my fruition.....
The inevitable of lovers in dreams.... 5
If I could trap you in my vigil.... 3
I emit my lah... 2
An instant revelation of… 7
The crossroads of..... 3
How things change in a moment..... 4
How Angels and Human Inclinations are One...... 5
Frailty begets Strength...C'
est la vie...
The conquest..... 11