The crossroads of.....


  • Altair
  • Don't read me, I am not that good.......

The crossroads of.....



The crossroads of time I suppose is an ode
to life,thought,and relevance in unknown scrolls.
The gold charmed heart takes waves of rust
in disgust; I mistrust the element of such.
Befriended the quiet notion of the sparrow
narrow, even more shallow dreams unravel
to create or manifest my true spirit to grab you.
Listen, my words are just a scattered preserve
like the seed that becomes the grape vine that wraps and grows.
Not many holes in the logic of spirits and woes
so believe the metaphors that travel the globe
amongst the sky between the ground the unknown astounds
so appreciate the significance in crossroads of now.

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SuSpence commented on The crossroads of.....


Great write once again should change your status to say 'Read me, I am that good' haha. I really like the rhyme scheme here, with multiple rhymes in the same lines, really helped with the flow, and to draw me in to this great read. -Spence

knight4696 commented on The crossroads of.....


Crossroads of now ...hmmm - I read this as a deep metaphor of a state of being. A realization that one comes too when a dramatic event occurs in ones life, Correct me if I'm wrong - But it's what I got out of this, :) I could be way off - it certaily wouldn't be the first time! lol! :) Great job! :) Ken



Ken, if anyone knows what I am about when I write, it is you my friend, you always tend to know my expressions well, this is favored, I mean come on, in the dark you still found the nature of I haha. Thanks as always and good to see you back around

SuperChick76 commented on The crossroads of.....


wow, a short poem, this is a first. lol. Beautifully written. "to create or manifest my true spirit to grab you. Listen, my words are just a scattered preserve." Brilliant. Just brilliant.



lol, yes it is quite short compared to the others you have indulged in, glad yyou liked it...

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Altair’s Poems (53)

Title Comments
Title Comments
?....? 0
The Builder refused 0
To be my most recent thought 1
I've Said enough to Know 2
I've Said Enough to Mean 2
Just because I like Trees 2
Contemptuous Nonchalance 2
Unearthly Manifest... 2
Like Water for Dark Chocolate.... 2
Impenitent Soliloquy 3
Figurative Meadow... 1
Windows 1
In jam meant to be... 2
Upon My "Death" 5
The Butterfly Effect Set … 4
The Quiet Storm Enters A Room... 2
The Diamond Age of Yesternight..
A Choir of Angels are We in Poetry.... 10
Dear Love, by the time you manifest this poem, you'll be gone..... 10
On Hallows Eve, Hollow grief as Death I Foresee......
From blood, death darkens to stone's manifest.....
The Forest is a Journey In my Darkness complete.... 10
The Wrath of My Titan Enlightenment
..whatever that is...
Failure of my trinity...lea
ked was in sanity.
A soul is loss....seeks an endless remorse.. 10
Madness exist in her gift..... 7
The London Show at the Tate's Estate.......
.Part two adieu
The London Show at the Tate's Estate.......
I'm Back.... 7
A Warped View of My Inner Sanctum...... 4
What do I see? What do you believe? 9
Lacking in Madness...... 14
Elemental portance in alchemic relevance.. 9
The Calamity of Conformity...
The Vicarious Rues..... 6
Within this Quill, manifest on the Canvas....Art 8
A Voiding thought is all I sought.... 4
Pushing away the loving Void....... 10
Vessels of ash, Souls thus passed... 4
The Infinite battle from Night to Light....... 5
Trick or treat in the Streets of hollowed teens..... 5
Untitled Breaths... 11
Kharon was the fairest of guides to my fruition.....
The inevitable of lovers in dreams.... 5
If I could trap you in my vigil.... 3
I emit my lah... 2
An instant revelation of… 7
The crossroads of..... 3
How things change in a moment..... 4
How Angels and Human Inclinations are One...... 5
Frailty begets Strength...C'
est la vie...
The conquest..... 11