The First Snow


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    The First Snow

    The first snow

    The first snow laid on the ground
    Force to sit frozen in its dirty seat;
    Wings clipped;
    The first snow lacked purity

    Cold eyes filled the perimeter
    They pushed against me as if I offended them
    They assaulted my face, forcing my nose to leak

    I walked curiously around my new home questioning my new mother in my mind
    Who are you?
    Will you love me like my birth mother did?
    Will you help me carry out my every dream like my father said?

    I risked death for you amongst the intestines in the belly of a bird of celestial feature, in the pave desert of my home where the sun's eyes are fixated with great pressure
    Spat out in a land of pavement, being haunted by frozen eyes of fury

    I waved goodbye to my beautiful, kind hearted mother
    Today 03/16/1999 I wave goodbye to everything I love
    Today 03/16/1999 my mother permits the death of my heart to be reborn in United States of America the land of dreams.

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    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    PoetOntHorizon’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Comfort-in Walls 0
    Screaming for MLK 0
    Snow Angel 0
    Last Night 1
    Mindset 1
    The First Snow 0