PoeticMuse’s Profile

  • Age: 49
  • Location: Lexington, KY
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


Hello everyone! Poetry is my first love, short stories and novels my second. I hope to one day publish my own poetry book. I love sharing my writing both through hard copies and on stage!! Everything I write is personal either to me or someone who has trusted me enough to express genuine feelings they may have.
I am a mother, I am friend, I am Poetic_Muse and I am very pleased to be here.

God Bless.


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kdavidscott1 profile comment


I'm glad that you have decided to make your presence felt and known to us PoeticMuse - I pray your stay will be a pleasant one - I will review your material the first chance I get - and I invite you to my site to do the same thing - I published my collection of poems and songs at Lulu.com - I feel they did a pretty good job - but I have to hit the block and push the sales myself, because I'm not able to afford the promotional packages...Get Your Copy... KD

Cap profile comment


Introducing: The new Social Network for Poets, and Spoken Word Artists "Cap's Original Poetry Cafe." The website address: cappoetrycafe. ning.com/profile/cap

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

PoeticMuse’s Poems (7)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Hope-Loss 3
Waiting... 1
Poetic Persuasion 7
Presidential Privacy 0
Heaven to Hell 6
Christmas Undefined 1
They Danced 1