The Emperor to His Empress


  • Love
  • ,
  • Emotional

    The Emperor to His Empress

    Exuse me your highness
    Would you walk with me for awhile
    Amongst the Rose garden
    Where the bees and butterflies play
    I would like to speak with you for a moment
    There is much I would like to say

    Since we first met
    I cannot lie
    My heart grows fonder everyday

    Amongst all that I possess
    You are my only Treasure

    My heart stands guard
    Ready to protect you
    Keep you from harm's way

    You are Pure Illumination
    My Brightest Jewel

    What you trully mean
    Is beyond words
    my queen

    Just as of late
    Your smile penetrates
    Both my reality and dreams

    Thank You for choosing me
    I am trully honored by your presence

    My one and only
    My Empress
    My Queen

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    cynthiakehl commented on The Emperor to His Empress


    I am speechless, your words are touching the deepest of emotions, I'm honored to be in the presence of such a remarkable soul...thanks to a true king! :*

    Solaberry commented on The Emperor to His Empress


    I like this poem! It IS about love! It is very interesting and somewhat unusual which adds to capturing the attention of the reader.



    tank you!

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    abbadejuju’s Poems (34)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Pain 0
    mirror 1
    This Is(As I) 0
    10 minute Infinite 1
    An untitled emotion 2
    Rubber Room 1
    The Bush Wool 4
    The Emperor to His Empress 2
    The Morning Spell 1
    Flotation Device(Blowfi
    sh syndrome)
    Untitled tongue tag: Your It! 0
    Poem of a statement of an observation 1
    Uh...Yeah 0
    SPAM(a little more than a haiku) 0
    Much More(to my sister) 2
    GOT FAITH? 2
    Ode to Debtera (My Djembe) 0
    OLD SOUL 1
    RETURN of the Forked Tongue 3
    All i Have 3
    untitled2 1
    untitled1 2
    Life and the Limited Expression 2
    The Journey to I AM 2
    Original Po 2
    The String Thing 1
    SOUP 0
    The Times 2
    Opposing Force Pt.2 to Forked Tongue 1
    Forked Tongue Pt.1 1
    A Trace 2