  • Other


    in my community
    they claim immunity
    against all that's wrong
    and in the same breath yell for UNITY
    Mutants run the mutiny

    excuse me
    I mean poor ghetto youths
    got the troops on operation annihilation
    pullout the roots

    weed out the first seeds
    only to see the next day
    they grew back twice as tall

    last call
    before babylon falls
    learn to crawl
    with heads held high

    culture angoleiro

    since the days of the pharohs
    subservant superstars
    seek ways through pinhole portals

    jogo de dentro

    listen to the berimbaus' tempo

    ingesting a heavy mental which is hearty like lentils

    all temples and principles will be tested

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    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    abbadejuju’s Poems (34)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Pain 0
    mirror 1
    This Is(As I) 0
    10 minute Infinite 1
    An untitled emotion 2
    Rubber Room 1
    The Bush Wool 4
    The Emperor to His Empress 2
    The Morning Spell 1
    Flotation Device(Blowfi
    sh syndrome)
    Untitled tongue tag: Your It! 0
    Poem of a statement of an observation 1
    Uh...Yeah 0
    SPAM(a little more than a haiku) 0
    Much More(to my sister) 2
    GOT FAITH? 2
    Ode to Debtera (My Djembe) 0
    OLD SOUL 1
    RETURN of the Forked Tongue 3
    All i Have 3
    untitled2 1
    untitled1 2
    Life and the Limited Expression 2
    The Journey to I AM 2
    Original Po 2
    The String Thing 1
    SOUP 0
    The Times 2
    Opposing Force Pt.2 to Forked Tongue 1
    Forked Tongue Pt.1 1
    A Trace 2