Life and the Limited Expression


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    Life and the Limited Expression

    Faced with the Friction
    of self contradiction
    Developed from the dunce cap mutilation of the third grade
    Slave to the perception of the masses
    surpasses the truth
    Watch as the fruit slowly rottens
    now forgotten
    Crabs successfully keep one at the bottom
    Problems solved
    The chance to evolve has dissoved
    and what's left
    A reflection with no connection
    to Life and the Limited Expression
    YaY! Says the slave happily resting in a grave
    let's segregate a section
    and offer it some protection
    Send it in a direction called the cult-de-sack
    Piracy for Privacy
    I just want to be left alone
    A zone of escape
    From the self inflicted hate
    Loss of will to cultivate
    And grow
    And show
    And flow
    with the infinite connection
    That moves beyond the Limited expression
    As life has just begun
    As Life will never end
    Programmed to pretend
    Watch the mind bend
    And what you see is only part of what you get
    All bets are off
    The loft is empty
    So moving will be a breeze
    With ease I can now breath
    Fall approaches with the changing of the leaves
    As the Limited changes to Infinite
    I see
    Life beyond it's Limited Expression.

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    lightcourier commented on Life and the Limited Expression


    the struggle and the overcoming to meet with the next struggle. Excellently described! Good work. Thanks!

    Grito commented on Life and the Limited Expression


    Strong look at societal imposed limitations and the will to artisticly overcome those transgressions.

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    abbadejuju’s Poems (34)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Pain 0
    mirror 1
    This Is(As I) 0
    10 minute Infinite 1
    An untitled emotion 2
    Rubber Room 1
    The Bush Wool 4
    The Emperor to His Empress 2
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    Flotation Device(Blowfi
    sh syndrome)
    Untitled tongue tag: Your It! 0
    Poem of a statement of an observation 1
    Uh...Yeah 0
    SPAM(a little more than a haiku) 0
    Much More(to my sister) 2
    GOT FAITH? 2
    Ode to Debtera (My Djembe) 0
    OLD SOUL 1
    RETURN of the Forked Tongue 3
    All i Have 3
    untitled2 1
    untitled1 2
    Life and the Limited Expression 2
    The Journey to I AM 2
    Original Po 2
    The String Thing 1
    SOUP 0
    The Times 2
    Opposing Force Pt.2 to Forked Tongue 1
    Forked Tongue Pt.1 1
    A Trace 2