The Competition


  • Love

    The Competition


    You and I
    We shake hands out there
    Where there is no sound
    We each head back to our corners
    Drink our water
    And Balefully glare

    A cigarette smoked
    I tasted it upon my lips
    The smoke curled, I complained,
    It disappeared

    You better wake up get out of bed
    Take out the trash and feed the cat
    I better hurry up and fix my face
    And slop the hogs and win the race

    We will meet again.

    We shall both win tonight
    I’ll curl my body next to yours
    Before your snores
    We will meet again.

    There is no end.
    We both shall win
    We both shall place
    In this never ending race

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Cree’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Dream Mama 1
    The Given (Desthara) 2
    Confessed 3
    The Competition 0
    Island Girl 1
    A Very Short Story 0
    Argo 1
    In The Church 2