

  • Erotic



    Every time I touch myself
    I think of you.
    The molten lava flows, a thick hot oil,
    And I revel in the bubble bath
    Which erupts from between my legs
    As I think of you.

    Raised finger tips to my lips
    i moan at its fragrance.
    So strong.
    As strong as my wanting you.
    I can't bear to wait
    not another moment
    not another day,
    I need you now my giant delight.

    I wish your tongue here
    to linger upon my rapid breast.
    To taste the gurgle of the brook between my quivering thighs.
    To sense the mystery about to unfold as your pestle gains strength,
    as my blossom blooms,
    it's petals heavily beaded
    with the sweet dew of tenderness,
    I greet you.
    We merge to create a curious half man half woman beast.
    I can't bear to wait,
    not another heartbeat
    not another day.
    Oh Lord please, let me witness once again
    the spark that fires those cold, lost eyes.
    Let me participate for all of eternity in the magic.
    The abracadabra of you. Inside of me.

    We have so little time to share upon this earth in this lifetime my love;

    Make haste!
    I can't bear to wait, not another second, not another day

    Poem Comments


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    kdarcy commented on Confessed


    Whew, hot one, couldn't have said it better ... sweet dew of tenderness- great line. keep on keepin on

    Drivingczar commented on Confessed


    Uummm! Sweet tortures!

    Phoenix9 commented on Confessed


    so visual, the words create a picture in my mind, a play of love that is so devine

    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    Cree’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Dream Mama 1
    The Given (Desthara) 2
    Confessed 3
    The Competition 0
    Island Girl 1
    A Very Short Story 0
    Argo 1
    In The Church 2