

  • Family


    Every man know she Argo woman.
    Every man, sho, but Argo wife.
    Argo wife, man! She no know. She no see de ting!
    Heart have no eye?
    Eye canna see truth?

    Argo woman, she witch that gel.
    She witch de gel jus like she witch de man.
    She justa smile
    She justa grin
    She justa make nice.
    She Comb Luvvy hair
    she even make play Mama to the Baby boy.
    She give he some milkless teat,
    The baby justa cry.

    Argo, he seat out neath the nanna tree
    He two women one evil, one blind, inside widda baby boy.
    Argo dreamin on what he ganna do for to make one dem women go way.
    2 too much for 1 man.
    She eyes dark like night,
    Luvvy eyes warm like sea in summer.
    Luvvy soothe he soul she cool touch upon he aflame brow.
    That bad one set he a fire and make buck he groin everytime she looka him way.
    Luvvy got a heart like gold and big like life.
    Bad gel no gotta heart.
    Argo don’ know which row to hoe.

    Luvvy rocka da baby an sing sweet song.
    When baby sleep she place him down onna cot an come out of side
    for drink some lime and sugar water.
    She sister rockin inna cheer lookin the baby like she want eat it.

    Luvvy sister name Sissy.
    Argo lookin at Luvvy, the curve of she neck the proud of she shoulder. He lookin inside she and see Buford, Clemence, and Potty who are sure to come.
    Argo whisper to he self
    “Sissy. Sissy be gone”.

    Argo skeered now. He skeered tell sissy what she need to know.
    Skeered Luvvy go know somehow.
    Or maybe he just tell Luvvy the truth and Luvvy take the baby boy and he heart and gone.
    He can get some more babies on that bad one.
    He close he eye an sleep dreamin bout trouble and watchin wid he other eye.

    Baby cryin make everybody change.
    Argo stretchin, sittin up, full wake now,
    Luvvy set down she glass slow and walk fast inside the house, but Sissy get first to baby side.
    She pick up de chile wrong and drop it on the floor.
    Head hit first and smash open like melon.

    Luvvy open she mouth wide like valley and still come no sound. She turn roun an roun, same spot, hair turnt instant white and fall in she hands.

    Argo sit down hard on floor, mess he pants and laugh like a devil.

    Sissy throw she self outta open window an before she hit groun she change to a crow bird an fly away.

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    dancinghawk commented on Argo


    an epic story, cree! i really enjoyed this read ... saw your post from the home page and thought i'd stop on by ... ty for a great write! -dh

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Cree’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Dream Mama 1
    The Given (Desthara) 2
    Confessed 3
    The Competition 0
    Island Girl 1
    A Very Short Story 0
    Argo 1
    In The Church 2