Stormy Weather


  • Romance

    Stormy Weather

    Dark clouds are on their way in

    Sitting here, I wait for the storm to begin

    Lightning strikes in the distance

    The outline of trees are seen in that instance


    It is calm now, but soon the wind will pick up

    My coffee is hot and the steam is coming from my cup

    Loving the quiet of the moment and the smell of rain

    A long way off, comes the cry of a crane


    Soon, you will be joining me here

    It will be nice to have you so near

    Together, we will watch nature’s fury

    Until then there is no hurry


    My arm goes around your shoulders, touching your hair

    You are beautiful and your skin so fair

    Time will stand still for us, being alone and together

    Holding each other close in this stormy weather



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    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

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