Song Bird


Song Bird

Twilight brings a musical sound to my ears

Calming my heart and soothing my fears

So enchanting is the melodic lilting tune

That I forget about my bad afternoon


She left on a train to some where

Leaving me standing in my own no where

My sadness was so great at the loss

That I tossed my soul into chaos


Real tears streaming down my face

Thinking of all that had taken place

My own angry words that I had said

Making me wish I were dead


Dreaming of the day when I can make it right

My love is pouring forth and my chest is tight

I will fix this aweful thing that I have done

For I know that if I try your love can be rewon


Writing a letter straight out of my adoration

I call you back from your exploration

When you return our eyes meet without a word

For we hear that beautiful song bird



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Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Cobraleo’s Poems (7)

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