Stayed Too Long


Poem Commentary

This one speaks of all types of relationships, and spending too much time, hoping it works out...

Stayed Too Long

Do I look like I change my mind...and heart
like a louche suddenly called away....
constantly sidetracked...taken aback by the flavor of the day?
Was I just another emotional predilection held at bay?
Did it actually bother you that I stood at the crossroads of my own life....
seemingly not knowing my own way?

Perhaps my indecision...or setting my sights
on things that I felt could feed my soul
is the price I should pay
If losing your heart to a greater love than this
is my punishment...I've been here too long already
and I don't think it's right for me to stay

If I really didn't think it a possibility, I would have been gone
rather than regretting for the rest of my life...
that I lead you on--that's not what I based my chase upon
I'd much rather do things...right...
so without looking back again
I think it best to leave....tonight

But before I walk away....the past set aside...
let me just say.........if you had looked into my eyes one more time
to the deeper part of me
without hesitation...without judgement
and without fear....I wonder what you'd see
If you look deep.... you may realize there is alot of you
..... still living in me
Would you tell me what you really felt
when you thought of me
or would you still be swayed to run away arguments I didn't stand a chance to win...
because they were fought by unfriendly friends?
I share the same hesitations as you....the same reservations, too
I did things I said I wouldn't do
like promising myself never to dash your hopes...
never to cut the rope
or heaven forbid...risk hurting you

but..I couldn't stop it..and I couldn't possibly stay

With bated breath...I stop my own run....

I'm exhausted...this can't be any fun
I'm placing my weakened ego on the shelf
I tire of trying to win the heart of anyone else
when my own heart is no longer convinced
...that I'm worth the chance
I've succumbed to my own irrational emotional impulses
My misunderstood logic is so seems
I'm tired...I'm weary...I'm falling apart
I'm so chase another hopeless dream

Digging into yesterday no more...
I can no more go back than you can...
today is what I'm talking about
You get quiet when you see me frown
but that's how it feels...when your hero lets you down
I can't do this anymore

if you want me to leave....don't hesitate

just show me to the door

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Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

scorpiankissd53’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The sands of TIME 0
Hidden Pleasures 1
Whispered.... 2
The Birth Of Hurt 0
Easy To Love 0
Stayed Too Long 0
Recycled Love 3
Becoming Un-Calm 1