Easy To Love


Easy To Love

She looked at me intently,
her face cupped in my trembling hands
Anxious and happy was I
that she finally gave me permission
to speak the words that...for so long
lay bottled up inside me

My words....the truth that would set both of us free

The eyes that met mine
were not hiding from me anymore
Actually, they assumed that I was going to have my way with her,
the way I touched her...and looked at her
After all, I didn't have to hide my longing..anymore
I did nothing but soak in her ambiance
I just wanted her to feel me

I wanted her to know that I was....just like her...human
I wanted her to know how beautiful I thought she was
I wanted her to feel loved..and wanted by me

I wanted to be there for her,
even though I suppose having someone to really rely on
is a risky thing...
I still looked forward to it
I wanted to represent a good woman
One who is not out to take from her,
but to add joy to her life
I wanted us to bask in laughter
meekness and strength

I wanted to put my vows into action
and live out who I really am meant to be
a humble, loving sheep
come to watch over her friends

I didn't want her to put no more trust in me
than I had in myself.
I make mistakes, too
I took the gamble that she would understand that
and be willing to explore the ramblings of my heart
that she would not think of me
like the failures of her past
I washed my own past away
and was intent on being the epitome
of the kind of relationship I knew would last--
one that was not started and ended
too fast

I wanted to take the time to know her...
not try to seduce her
or use her
or take her for granted
Heaven knows I have scribed many a write
attesting to the seeds I planted
which reaped anything but simplistic beauty of love that I needed
but, being in the presence of a phenomenal woman
whose faith and love was tried..and tested

I looked up to her....
why would I deliberately hurt her
She was no more a wolf than I was

I let my eyes close
because I no longer needed to remember where her lips were.
as I ran my fingers over them.....gently
I no longer needed to see her eyes;
I could remember them with my heart
how they danced across her face
back and forth
with the excitement of a curious child.
I could feel the fire that raged within her
( I don't know how..I just did )
She just never let me know she felt it
She wanted me, too
I could feel it...all over me
but mostly
at night
when it was time to sleep
(in my heart, I felt like she should be sleeping with me)

Was this real?
Would it last?
What did I do to even deserve her?
Would I one day close my eyes,
and this happiness I felt would disappear?
( I don't know )
Questions like that...no one knows the answers to
but I was willing to take that chance

I dreamed about her.....for so long...so strong
I already knew she would be perfect for me
I knew how she would feel...pressed against me.
I kissed you.
Within that kiss, I wanted my lips to say,

Baby, you're just like me
If we make a mistake...we try to make it right
I am so easy to love
My heart is so easy to keep
Don't confuse me
with all the wolves out here
who aim to devour you

I am just a lowly sheep

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Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

scorpiankissd53’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The sands of TIME 0
Hidden Pleasures 1
Whispered.... 2
The Birth Of Hurt 0
Easy To Love 0
Stayed Too Long 0
Recycled Love 3
Becoming Un-Calm 1