


In a place so bleak

A bereft of hope

Such a barren landscape be

For sorrow is all that be felt

For tis, alas, I’ve lost thee.


I canna say

What was the cause

In truth, twas many things

And tine

It seemed to slip away

Until…alas…twas nothing.


Now….alone…and heart broke

My eyes art filled with tears

Reminiscing…of what was

And what will never be again


For time and tide

Have passed us by

And I know nae

What happened

But twas my fault

And mine alone

At least, of that, I’m certain.


For though I loved thee

Twas nae enough

And I should have known

Twould n’er be

For thou desired

So much more

Yet that

I had nae in me.


And so it was

It came to pass

We didst alas…part ways

And in my sorrow

Twas I resigned

To live out all my days.


For thou art gone

And whenst thou left

My heart

Thou didst take with thee

So in this bleak

And barren land

Tis where, who seek,

Whilt find me.


For there be nae

That I desire

Except…what canna be

For thou art gone

N’er to return

And love, itself, hath left me.


In a place

That be so bleak

And so bereft of hope

A barren wasteland

That once had been

The very garden of Eden.


For though I loved thee

Twas nae enough

And I should have known

Twould n’er be

For thou desired

So much more

Yet that

I had nae…in me.


And so it was

It came to pass

We didst…alas…part ways

And in my sorrow

Twas I resigned

To live out

All my days.

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Mareann commented on Sorrow


Beautiful writing.... I truely enjoyed this poen very much... Thankd for sharing, Mary



I am honored ye found it to yer liking lassie

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

AlxHDaen’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Sorrow 1
Wishful Thinking 0
Moonlight Glow 1
A Fantasy 1
Whilst 0
A Devilish Rogue 1