A Fantasy


  • Love

    A Fantasy

    And to be with thee...my dearest,
    Is but mere fantasy,
    For tho I love thee,
    Heart and soul,
    Alas...tis nae to be -
    For thou...art but a daydream,
    A desire...that doth haunt me,
    But such is only,
    What might have been,
    And nae...reality.
    To be with thee...among the stars,
    Floating...in each other’s arms,
    Wanting always, e'er to be,
    Lovers now...eternally.
    For in our dreams...and fantasies,
    We share a love...divine,
    That will be heralded in song,
    Forever...and all time.
    For tho we art...but together in dreams,
    There be much more
    Than what may seem,
    For as I gaze...into thine eyes,
    My heart...be lost...to thee -
    And tho it be...mere fantasy,
    I long for more...tho it may be,
    A secret I must keep till death,
    Such will I...willingly.
    But can such things
    As we desire,
    Find fruition...midst a fire,
    Stoked by passions
    Upon which we dwell,
    Alas, my dear, I canna tell -
    For unto such, I am quite blind,
    For fate...would have it otherwise,
    For though I love thee
    It is...I know,
    Make believe...and nothing more.

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    CatsMeow commented on A Fantasy


    Hi AlxHDaen, That is a deeply felt powerful poem, conveying the message in a style of the great romantic writers of an ere gone by. This format is reminds me of love poems of such great poets; William Shakespeare, Jane Austin, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Browning, Edmund Spenser and others. It’s very nice thank you for sharing it.



    I am honored ye found it to yer likin lassie

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    AlxHDaen’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Sorrow 1
    Wishful Thinking 0
    Moonlight Glow 1
    A Fantasy 1
    Whilst 0
    A Devilish Rogue 1