

Poem Commentary

Once again i wanted to try and write somethin different for a change. I kind of wrote this for a friend who has a troubled life and past. Hopefully he will get better though. This is for you dave!

-Andrew Neal


Another slip of the pill
Cause my mind is feelin so ill
Late at night i feel the chill
In my dreams im screaming and still
I try to breath but i cant stop the reprising shrill
Empty holes in my mind i try to fill
But i dont know whats goin on until
I wake up sweating and breathing so fast it kills

And i just cant seem to put my thoughts at ease
Cant cure my mind of this disease
I try to move but i just freeze
And im left motionless on my knees
Wil lsomeone free me of this sorrow, will they please?

Life is still yet a blur
So many things of which im unsure
So many times death, i would rather prefer
But yet, what holds me back is her
Many times i wish things used to be like they were
Before the pain and sorrow and emotional stirs
Looking back on all the things that did occur
It makes me think on all the bad things i wanted to deter

And i just cant seem to put my thoughts at ease
Cant cure my mind of this disease
I try to move but i just freeze
And im left motionless on my knees
Wil lsomeone free me of this sorrow, will they please?

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WhisperingWind commented on Sorrow


I wish I could write me feelings out as well as you have here! Another favorite poet to add to my list!

Aphrena commented on Sorrow


i like this its different rythm then a lot of poetry i have read but it is good. can definately understand what you are feeling

sk8ergirl commented on Sorrow


great even tho it is sad that is what i like in poems they are supposed to show feeling

SilverGirl commented on Sorrow


This is very good.. nice cadence.. sad though it is.. you have done an excellent job detailing the feelings of your friend.. you play the guitar? Hugs.. SilverGirl



no i play piano. never could learn guitar. and thank u so much! *hugs*

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

godfatherguy88’s Poems (26)

Title Comments
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Yes 2
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Living In Black And White 3
Something Beautiful 0
One Day We'll Find A Way 0
Goodbye (Seems Like The Hardest Thing To Say) 1
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In Time To Come 0
This Heart Of Mine 3
Thats Just The Way It Goes 1
If Only For A Moment 3
If It Were So 0