

  • Emotional
    • angel37
    • is going to smile like nothing's wrong, talk like everything's perfect, act like it's all a dream, and pretend it's not hurting me.


    They all want something from me
    something I can not give,
    I see it in their eyes, hear it in their voice
    It's something that can not be

    As the music flows around us
    I feel the longing in their touch,
    It's not mine to give,
    It's something they can not rush

    There's only one that has a chance
    In his arms I safely rest
    For he asks nothing of me feeling my pain,
    It shows in his eyes and in his stance

    He does not want something from me
    He's lost in his own world
    A dance is all he wants...
    A dance is all he needs

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    jdwright commented on Something


    nice, it is very refreshing to read peices like this when someone is just being real

    Artie commented on Something


    Everybody wants something - we can't escape it can we? I'm with you on this, I want someone who doesn't want anything lol - 10

    bandit1192 commented on Something


    Don't worry about what others want from you. Worry about putting your life back together. That guy you write about will show up, and usually when you aren't looking. You have captured almost every emotion I felt during a rough time in my life and made me feel it again. That's what good poets do. TS

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    angel37’s Poems (5)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Waiting 2
    Something 3
    Torture 1
    Survivor 1
    My Heart Hasn't Forgotten 1