  • Humor
    • ShanneN
    • A working class hero is something to be.


    My friend Aimee wrote this to me... enjoy =]

    get inside me cos it feels good when you ride me we could switch it up just get beside me i might run but then you can find me ill be in the pantry next to the house entry in the back is the lac we can hop in and start pill poppin' i dont do it with asians cos they be karate choppin when that shit ain't stoppin im bouts to start coppin all the cds in the stores so i can sell em and buy juice and smores and feed em to all to whores in exchange for a blowjob cos they give head intead of gettin a real job . while they suck my dicks i be munchin on a knob like its corn on the cob

    Poem Comments


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    1990lh commented on ROFL!


    hahahahahahaha lmao i saw the title had to read this shit toooooooo funny ahahaha

    Crush commented on ROFL!


    very interesting stream of conciousness (sp ). fun and funny, a nice break from the norm.

    lonewolf commented on ROFL!


    funny poem. had me laughin the whole time. i enjoyed it

    redbloodink commented on ROFL!


    this was very Silly I have to agree with Rygar..... I liked it..... red

    winterkou commented on ROFL!


    sounds like your trying hard to rap - I feel ya - very nice - likin' it

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    ShanneN’s Poems (23)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    We forward in this generation, triumphantly. 5
    For John 3
    It's Crazy 5
    Smile, You're in Love 4
    Indifference 2
    My Personal Protection 9
    Justin 5
    Kill 'em 7
    I love you Aimee 2
    F.E.A.R 11
    Broken Hearted Dream 9
    Bedtime Thoughts 12
    Untitled For Reasons 6
    Make love; Not war. 5
    ROFL! 9
    bursting brain 11
    Aimee 6
    ouch 16
    Loved 19
    Messed Up Shit. 21
    Your Mom 15
    Long Distance Love 22
    For my friend. 13