For my friend.


  • Humor
    • ShanneN
    • A working class hero is something to be.

    For my friend.

    You have so many features that you can show.

    Yo titties mad big mami, You had me at hello.

    The way you say poipul brown and RED!,

    Makes me wanna take you straight to bed.

    This aint no lezbo shit, its plain to see,

    But ull still be on ya kness screamin “cock me! Cock me!”

    Dark chocolate never used to be my thang.

    But im swtching over baby, show me ur wang.

    We’re just two girls, with big ass cocks.

    I don’t know what to write so im just gonna say box.

    Poem Comments


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    ShanneN commented on For my friend.


    Hey, anyone who reads this, along with any of my other older poems, Yeah... these are all just me bein dumb and silly with friends, so don't hate =P

    angelchaser commented on For my friend.


    This is........different:) But I like it. I like all your work:)

    dextuh commented on For my friend.


    lmfao. shannen shannen shannen......idk what to say. lmao. but this is good too :)

    PenCatz commented on For my friend.


    Wow! umm........ Its awesome. its for koolmom thats awesome Pen

    Hiporlacking commented on For my friend.


    I think the only person to use cock more in a poem would have to be Allen Ginsberg. You're funny lady.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    ShanneN’s Poems (23)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    We forward in this generation, triumphantly. 5
    For John 3
    It's Crazy 5
    Smile, You're in Love 4
    Indifference 2
    My Personal Protection 9
    Justin 5
    Kill 'em 7
    I love you Aimee 2
    F.E.A.R 11
    Broken Hearted Dream 9
    Bedtime Thoughts 12
    Untitled For Reasons 6
    Make love; Not war. 5
    ROFL! 9
    bursting brain 11
    Aimee 6
    ouch 16
    Loved 19
    Messed Up Shit. 21
    Your Mom 15
    Long Distance Love 22
    For my friend. 13