Rodeo Jim


  • Humor

    Rodeo Jim

    Rodeo Jim had a thing about him.
    His hat was too big, and his pants were too slim.
    And he rode facing backwards, one hand on the tail,
    While the other would always just helplessly flail.
    His shoes didn’t match, they never were tied
    And when riding he’d always hang off to one side.

    His technique was awful, his style was worse
    And people would laugh, but only at first
    Since no one could beat him of the thousands who tried
    That Rodeo Jim just knew how to ride
    He’d always win, but never heard the cheers
    Because that big old hat covered up his ears.
    Yet it wasn’t applause that mattered to him
    It was his passion to ride that made Rodeo Jim.

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    akayakar commented on Rodeo Jim


    This was fun to read!! Reminds me of a Silverstein poem. Keep do'in what your do'in!!

    stephenmichael commented on Rodeo Jim


    Again I love your poetry...Raggedy Poet told me of you...You my fiend, should do as Sara thinks...A book for children...If ever you do this I will certaintly purchas it...10 again...Stephen...I love "Rodeo Jim"...

    raggedypoet commented on Rodeo Jim


    I seriously hope you are looking into getting a children's book of poetry published! You are very good! ~Sara

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    CT’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Engaged 0
    A Garden of Ashes 2
    Mr. Smith's House of No Sense 4
    My Objection to Vegetables 4
    Rodeo Jim 3
    Noses 2
    A Boy and His Dog 3