Remember..I will remember... Please you remember.. R.I.P


Poem Commentary

Dedicated to my best friend Tim Evans    I dedicate this to his family.... I'm sorry for your loss 
R.I.P we miss you
E.G will never be the same with out you
321 will never be the same.
Tim I love you

Remember..I will remember... Please you remember.. R.I.P

Remember..I will remember... Please you remember.. R.I.P
A innocent life
A curious smile
A forgiving heart.
A eternal bond
A true friendship
A role model
Remember the times we had
Remember the things we use to do
Remember the fun and excitement we shared
Remember the advice you gave me
Remember the fights we had won
Remember how we had just begun
I will remember your laugh
I will remember your smile
I will remember your hugs
I will remember the late night talks
I will remember those high school days
I will remember the hanging out and antics
Please you remember the good times
Please you remember me
Please you remember how much you meant
Please you remember you were my best friend
Please you remember you are truly missed
Please you remember to save a spot for me in heaven
R.I.P My best friend
R.I.P My big brother
R.I.P My dear friend
R.I.P my memories
R.I.P buddy
R.I.P Tim Evans    2/3/91 - 12/12/09
You were truly loved
Know one will ever know why you took your life
You are truly missed
Not a day goes by that tears don't feel my eyes from missing you
My bestest friend

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songmanpoet commented on Remember..I will remember... Please you remember.. R.I.P


I've just read of your other losses. My best friend killed himself the same night I taught him suicide was not the unforgivable sin. I still hold guilt, even though Doctors said he maybe had 6 month as he drank hard vodka and his liver was gone. Maybe God saved him the pain of liver disease? Alot of people blame God for taking lives? Satan may be the main cause to get us to blame God and leave him? I'm an Ordained Minister who lost faith for two years and when I first openened my Bible God showed me it was satan who did what caused me to lose faith. Think before you blame God. Satan is the god of the world forb now. Be blessed my friend. Sam



thank you so much for the comment sam i appreciate it I really do... babies are born everyday and someone dies everyday that is the way life goes... Its a hard pill to swallow but Im still alive and I am a counselor for my friends and a great person who never turns her back on anyone. I love to write because when I write I can release all the pain i am feeling. stay tuned into my page because I have some new poems coming ok.. thank you again



lil, we are much alike. I'm a counselor to anyone who needs it. I have 14-18 certificates in counseling, alcohol, drugs, mentall illness. I never turn my back either on those who need. I had taken in very many homeless people until this year when I had my very badly needed medication stolen, a 23 year old kid with a 7 yr old mind dumped on me by his Mother who I also took in. He stole my meds as I slept and then tore doors off the hinges, broke a bulb inside my hanging lamp and alot more, hey moved in shortly after a guy droped off a hitch hiker with me for a couple of months. He was picked up as I slept and the guy who picked him up was in a stolen $50.000.00 vehicle and stole my brothers license plate. I stay pretty busy so remind me when you have a new poem as I'm on another very loving wonderful poetry site called I've never seen so much love and real fiends before from any site? They screen people to try to keep out bad apples but if your interested as many on OP are there just say Sam sent you and post away. I'll give you a gift from there. Be blessed andd God keep you,,,Lovingly,,,Sam.



ok thank you so so so much... i know exactly how you fell i always get screwded over

songmanpoet commented on Remember..I will remember... Please you remember.. R.I.P


I'm sooo sorry for your loss and his families loss. I just took in a woman and her son who had nowhere to live. Her yougest son killed himself last year. I have tried to take my life, but God prevented it always. We never know the reason and what goes threw one's mind. I have permanant severe depression that cannot be treated. God is my hope. I pray for you and his families loss. Happy to be a friend. songmanpoet,Sam

Marsink commented on Remember..I will remember... Please you remember.. R.I.P


I am sorry for your loss. It seems ironic that some of the finer people who make life worth living, are the ones who are removed from our lives, but forever engraved in our hearts and minds. I lost a very good friend when I was 15, and I can still remember his voice and face clearly. I hope that you will have a good healing from this wound.



thank you so much for the comment but unfourtunately Tim was not the only closest person that I have ever lost... I lost my cousin to rival gang members I lost my best freind sarah she commited suicide, I lost my uncle to 3 murderers, I lost my grandma to cancer and I lost my great grandma to illness.. It seems that God keeps taking those I love dearly and most. It seems that I cannot get close to anyone because God keeps taking them away from me... though i understand that God needs them more.. But I do appreciate your comment it means a lot to me thank you very much :) *Tiffany* feel free to read some more of my poetry :)

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

liltrulz92’s Poems (16)

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