What its worth


  • Love
  • ,
  • Life

    What its worth

    For the stars.
    For the moon.
    For the sun.
    For every living soul there was or will be.
    The days.
    The nights.
    The winters.
    The summers.
    The Wondering minds to be.
    Somedays are nice.
    Some are wonderious.
    Others are filled with glee.
    But note this that days/ nights are dreams.
    The girls, the guys all shout and scream.
    But now only love can bring the peace within.
    Love can be the center of all that is true so let it be true love between you.
    love always : Tiffany!

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    charmlessman2d commented on What its worth


    love the last line. so true about love. this reminds me of the song "TRUE LOVE WAITS" by radiohead. youtube it or download it if you get a chance. its pretty awesome. goodjob here

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    liltrulz92’s Poems (16)

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