

  • supasta225
  • wrote a poem for my mom earlier but can't seem to remember it so i can put it on here :(

Poem Commentary

This doesn't really rhyme, but who cares?


Rebellion is not about ding something to make your parents angry,
Rebellion is taking the chance to do whatever you want
No matter what the consequences.

Rebellion is jumping off the bridge to dive into the water below,
Only to feel the rush of the wind and the scream that escapes your throat as you go farther and farther down.

Rebellion is the moment you're going one hundred miles an hour, and the terror of going around that sharp turn without slowing and realizing "I'm alive and I'm NEVER doing that again"

Rebellion is seeing that motorcycle and knowing you can't ride it but buying it anyway.

Rebellion is doing what you want, when you want, and not caring who thinks what about it.

Rebellion is the feeling of pure adreneline as you kiss him the first night you meet him and not wanting to stop.

Rebellion is the only way to live life fully so REBEL, LOVE, AND PURSUE THROUGH YOUR FEARS!

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BDIsernhagen commented on Rebellion


i'm not one for rebellion myself. Inner revolution for me, overthrow myself... but a good poem. and I will continue to stay tuned!



lol I was bored...

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

supasta225’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Destiny/Fate 0
Rebellion 1
Unrequited Love??? 0
Soulmates 0
Angels 2
Playing Pretend 1
The Heart 2
Masks 1