


Before I lay me down to sleep I pray my testimony you hear and keep.
The 'Big Bang' did happen, evidence is clear but it was the Word of
our Father that spawned life to this Blue Sphere.
No chance this body works well as it does, no our Father said
"Time to create!" and all creatures of Heaven joined in.
Close your mind and just listen to the songs that whisper within,
voices like thunder upon mountains and glens.
Shut eyes sick from sunlight and behold a new view,
Eternal and Earthly, rapture is now due.
Run if you are Athiest and worship not God,
hide under rock caverns dig deep in wet sod.
Evade you cannot and recall I said so.
Tomorrow is comming no brag just fact,
prepare your Soul to answer the Master
or he'll turn His back!
Helper or Heathen will be the words on that day
listen or don't listen your fate will still come your Way.
If you are left here on that dreadful day all plea's to
my Father you might as well save!
For those of Faith
See you at Rapture.


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Olan01 commented on Rapturing


This is a good statement of faith poem, my new friend. Many societies have their story of origin, none completely true; none completely wrong. We are smaller than a virus, compared to the universe, and we try to reckon the creation as best we can. What we believe is what we should believe if it does not mean we hurt or maim others for their beliefs. In the beginning was void and the void was without form. Because of the segmentation of the universe, or 3-dimensional realm we live in; time has a linear look, a beginning and end, yet in other realms scientists now know this is not the case. That our laws of physics do not apply in their realms, and the realms are infinite. So, perhaps; the universe has no beginning and the creation is current, forever and the prime mover, prime Creator is always in motion and still creating. The balance of creation is destruction so as new things are created something has to be destroyed; it is an eternal process and the Creator is not dead, but very much alive. Dwell in love, peace and freedom, Olan



Yes Olan. If the Creator has no begining then there can be no start. All things cannot die they change form and continue. Why is it so hard for some to grasp that orinally man was created to live on earth forever.

ansari commented on Rapturing


a marvellous flow of words and so much about the Creator. I am a Muslim and I love your faith in the hereafter. there's so much in common in what you say. may Allah Bless you. thank you. a 10 from me. hope you'll read some of your poems.



Thank you my new friend. Yes as it should be we are all created by one word and from the same breath as Adam. We share the same Holy ground but not in peace. I have read the Holy Koran and even fasted at Ramdan once. It is truly a religion of peace or war just as Chritianity is. Between peace or war I would choose peace if possible. Thanks again for your comments. May your home be blessed and your faith ever strong my brother.



We are all children of a loving Father who has distributed us all over the world. We are united by the belief in one God. Many have died trying to name Him. He is Father, creator. I have studied all major religions and found them all to be self serving, exclusive and judgemental. Actually I call myself "Of The Way" as Jesus's followers were called. My sisters were Muslim and I studied and fasted with them for a few years. Thanks agai and Sallam a Lakum? I forgot how to spell it.....

cheronld commented on Rapturing


Nice...in reading this I am taken back to a history lesson...I am sure you will know it by the words..."The British are come..The British are coming"...lol...I get that feel from your words...The bells have been tolled...now its time to Wake Up....:-)...Cher

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

mbryant53’s Poems (17)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Rapturing 3
Fearing The Call 2
Angels Sea 2
Tell Her For Me 4
As Night Is To Day 1
Around The Wave 1
Angel Sent, Coffins Required 3
Lights Out 3
A Fallen Light Speaks 1
A moment at Angel's Rest 2
Only The Word 2
40 Years Blind 1
Is This True? 4
Eternally Maternal 2
Grand dad's A Rollin 2
Cupboards Of My Father 4
On My Watch 3