Only The Word


  • Devotion

    Only The Word

    Not the same way men mend. Just the Word spoken in truth
    by Faithful Servants and wings restored, battle won, Sancturary protected
    from without and within, "come to your rest oh great Angel.
    Defended you did, that little church amongst my clouds.Did you see their weak and hopeless thrust toward the protected?
    Bazra you can enter into my prtection where gardens of all desires grow
    large and nourishing. Have I not returned you as I promised?
    The evil will never get beyond those as Faithful as you my son.
    Do not worry another has taken up your post with tales of your conflict
    to live up to, rest my lovely.
    Your brethren inside will never allow the battle of that day become
    only scary stories told by cowards around flaming fires.
    Enter into My Gates Of Praise, few have entered but for you there is
    a seat and whatever you crave will be set before you."
    Before words could form Bazra bowed, not forced,
    'Father I have served You at the front lines, wittnessed man at his worst
    and now you give me the praise. I am full, I have only heard tales of your home, I will never leave!


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    cheronld commented on Only The Word


    Your words are brought to life by your lyrical images....Your Faith shines strongly....Nicely done...Cher

    simoneaugustus commented on Only The Word


    Very nice imagery here, and I especially love lines 9 and 10! Well done!



    Thank you.

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    mbryant53’s Poems (17)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Rapturing 3
    Fearing The Call 2
    Angels Sea 2
    Tell Her For Me 4
    As Night Is To Day 1
    Around The Wave 1
    Angel Sent, Coffins Required 3
    Lights Out 3
    A Fallen Light Speaks 1
    A moment at Angel's Rest 2
    Only The Word 2
    40 Years Blind 1
    Is This True? 4
    Eternally Maternal 2
    Grand dad's A Rollin 2
    Cupboards Of My Father 4
    On My Watch 3