A Fallen Light Speaks


  • Devotion

    A Fallen Light Speaks

    I am called Lucifer once known as The Angel of Light when I lived in the Father's domain.
    He was so proud of me that I was put in charge of a legion of Angels.
    From our creation to human creation we sung praises at the alter of
    our Father. It was all we had to do, our job was to fill the Heavens with truth and songs.
    My troops welded no iron nor flew back and forth to earth on divine missions.
    In those days before man peace reigned everywhere. The light came
    from Father and it was more than illuminating.
    The day we watched Him create from a lump of clay and His breath
    the human race I knew in my spirit things would not remain the same.
    Watching the little dirt creatures was humorous at first, so fragile
    couldn't even fly.
    Father's orders were to not have contact with them and we obeyed
    at first.
    Then Father called us all together and told us to treat man as a
    'Little God' with rights of inherittance!
    To me they seemed unworthy of any special attentiobn or reverence others felt the same but did not speak of it.
    They would never love Father as I did nor serve only Him as I had in those times.
    No I would go to this Garden and prove to Father that dirt men also have dirt hearts.
    I left my general in charge and eastward I stole away.
    Through radiation belts and ozones and all manner of protective layers unto the blue green planet of man.
    Such beauty and peace abounded. Creatures of all imaginations.
    Small creepy ones and huge thick skinned ones. The two mud ones were busy at their tasks and could not have seen me as I am anyway.
    After much thought I devised the perfect plan for someone who had everything needed but not all they wanted. Yes it must seem as if they are incomplete without this thing. What I found out in talking to the female confirmed it.
    Simple after that but even when I presented Father the twice bitten fruit the curse He proclaimed also claimed me and my doom was set.
    I have been ravenous ever since.


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    simoneaugustus commented on A Fallen Light Speaks


    I would absolutely love to read a continuation of this piece! I was so wrapped up in the story (and the talent with which it was told) I was surprised and disappointed to see it had ended. Don't get me wrong- the ending was powerful and well done. I just wanted more! Lol! Please let me know if you do decide to continue this piece!



    You are too kind. I do have much more in that vein.

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    mbryant53’s Poems (17)

    Title Comments
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    Tell Her For Me 4
    As Night Is To Day 1
    Around The Wave 1
    Angel Sent, Coffins Required 3
    Lights Out 3
    A Fallen Light Speaks 1
    A moment at Angel's Rest 2
    Only The Word 2
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    Is This True? 4
    Eternally Maternal 2
    Grand dad's A Rollin 2
    Cupboards Of My Father 4
    On My Watch 3