Rain of Tears


  • Confusion

    Poem Commentary

    I wrote this poem because I am breaking
    down those doors that threw me off track
    and I am in lack of ability to tell someone
    without usig a poem to describe it.

    Rain of Tears

    The rain is pounding,
    The tears sounding.

    The way a rver is flooding,
    The tears coming.

    Then I... SCREAM...,
    Help me!

    I am drowning,
    In my own tears finding.

    I am down in the ground,
    Have I found,
    The correct sound!!!

    Tell me why,
    Before my head turns and I fly!!!!

    Poem Comments


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    Rhymer commented on Rain of Tears


    Short, easy to read, rhymes well and you paint a vivid picture with your words. Very good write for someone your age.

    soccerchick556 commented on Rain of Tears


    good job i loved it and I know that I wish I could be lik u! :)

    charles52 commented on Rain of Tears


    You certainly have talent for someone so young of age. Now you must check for spelling. Don't stop the reader because of a spelling error. But, again, I am very impressed with your style and pace. You are going to grow into a great poet. Charles

    koolmom0 commented on Rain of Tears


    Excellent, you did a fine job, you have the makings of being a good writer. Koolmom

    SEVEN commented on Rain of Tears


    Good write lil lady....keep the pen flowing....ur at a good age to start writing poetry....write about everything thats goes on in your life....I do...Its a good way to transform myself from this place we call Earth...My diary ...errr My journal is called Leaving Earth for good...

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    poetryprincess’s Poems (37)

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