


I hide, 
You won't see me for several days.
I search,
Wandering for hours on end,
 I'm constantly in thought,
No sleep needed.
Deprived of love still needed for the proper growth,
Deprived of smiles,
Deprived of childhood that I need back.
I have been told I'm crazy,
Others have said I need therapy,
I don't want therapy,
I want my mother to love me,
I want my father to be in my life,
I want to protect my heart,
I want things to be better,
I want to fall asleep without crying to get there,
I want the pain to go away without thinking about slitting my wrist.
I want things to be normal and
to happen like the movies.
I wish for a guide book.
Something better.

I feel:
not important,
Like no one cares or seems to understand.

I cry and no one sees
I yell as loud as I can and no one hears,
I am here but not seen,
I might as well as be invisible,
As if any would actually care? 

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Kingwebstar commented on Hidden


I can feel your pain in this stay strong Da beautiful Princess .I care about you .I really love you .By you knowing this I hope it takes away some of your pain.I grew up without any of my parents and I know how it feels to not have.I couldn't tell you how it feels to have.But I know if anyone can overcome all your facing then it is you.I'm here if you need me . Love Da KinG



truly appreciated and i'll lean on you in times of sufferings.... jw though who are all those love poems about that u write?



I made a challenge within myself to write 6 love poems a week.Just to see if I could do it and I have for lots of months now.If you notice all my poems have been written this year and I am almost at 300 for this site but all in all I'm way past 300 .I only started writing this year .I stopped at 12 years old and haven't written a poem until I was 28 .So they are really 4 the people in love not just pacifically for one girl.



Well, thx um.... well that's cool

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

poetryprincess’s Poems (37)

Title Comments
Title Comments
We're "Just Friends" 0
L!f3 I$ @ C@rd G@m3 0
Me 0
Are we ever understood? 0
Walls 3
Sorry NOT a POEM 5
Rip these Chains 1
What is a BULLY?????? 2
Hidden 1
Our Fight, Are we Alone? 0
Loving Back 2
It's Time for a Review! 2
Invisble? 1
Carwash 3
Abandoned 1
My Love 1
Response: Pocahantas's ATTN POETS!!! ANSWER THIS IF YOU MAY... 1
Unleash 1
Teenage Terror 2
Break up or get out 1
"Dream" Or "Nightmare" 1
Parents 1
Crazy 2
Life 1
Life 2
Thoughts 1
Reasons 1
?WHY? 1
Rain of Tears 5
Sisters and Brothers 0
Trouble 1
Greif 2
Be Happy 4
Friends 1
love 4