" Prisoner of My MInd"


" Prisoner of My MInd"

These Walls, They Are Surrounding Me
No Place To Run Or Hide
No Escape To The Other Side

All I Need Is Just A Minute
A Precious Moment To Break The
Chains, To Set Me Free From This
Awful Misery.

So Many Things To Keep Us Sane
Yet, So Many Others Forcing Us To Change
The Pressures Can Get Us Down
But, We Must Be Strong, Have Some Faith
And, Stand Our Ground

We Gotta Let God In, Got To Give Self Love
Give Self A Little Time To Heal The Wounds
And Broken Ties, And
Throw Away The Devils Lies
He Don't Mean Good For You
Or The Things That You Do

Walk Through The Open Doors
And Take Back What's Yours
Renew Your Spirit, And Free Your Mind!

(C) Flower Girl/pmt2007

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theroamingcrow commented on " Prisoner of My MInd"


You are so right The Devil has no hold on me!! God Is Good!!

SILKYTWEED commented on " Prisoner of My MInd"


This is Beautiful Poetry personified, thru your explanations of the challenges we all must face in the constant battle within ourselves...but you also offer a very important solution as well....BRAVO....I like this write alot!



Thank You, I Really Like This Poem As Well, I Wrote The Last Part of This Poem To Show People That Just Because, You May Feel That Life Or Circumstance has Robbed And Stripped You, Doesn't Mean That You Must Quit! Basically; Get Yourself Together Stand Up, Take Back Whats Yours, Renew Your Spirit And Free Your Mind! " The Only Thing Left To Do" Your Are Too Much For Your Own Good, SILKYTWEED! Smile

ladypooh commented on " Prisoner of My MInd"


this is awesome and inspiring, you draw me into the mist of your pain. good work. keep pray and letting God do the work.



Hi, Thank you for The Encouragement, This Poem Was Written Many Years Ago, While Going Through A Tough Time In My Life.And At that time, Is When, I Became Inspired To Write It. I Thank God that that time is In The Past. However; sometimes, It Is Good when life gets a Lil Tough to Retrospect back Through old Poems, Share Them With Others. Hoping That, If They Helped You, Then Maybe They will Be Encouraging To Someone Else! I will Continue To Pray For Myself, And Everyone On This Site, That We All Will ContinueTo Be Inspired, And Encouraged, To Share Our Poems With One Another! Wishing You Many Blessings!

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)