" Momma"


" Momma"

You've Been Everything To Me
Raising A Boy Couldn't Of Been Easy
It Must Of Been Tough On You..

Sometimes, I Wanted To Do
What I Wanted To Do
But, You Soon Got Me In Check
I Remember Those Times, Believe That

When I Look Back On The Many Sacrifices
That You made For Me, And All The
Wonderful Things I Was Taught

I Thank God For What I See
Because, I Realize Momma
You Always Wanted The Best For Me

To Be A Kind Person, To Have A Good Life
And A Man With Love In His Heart
To Hold Close The Many Treasures Given
That I May Never Part

So Momma, If Ever There Is Anything
That You Need, Or Anything That I
Can Do, You Raised A Good Man
And, I'm Here For You.

"Thank You Momma"

(c)2009 Flower Girl

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Sx9 commented on " Momma"


always good to big up moms,they are the tree bearer burden carrier,,yes I love this work and its a mothers day vibes,,



Hello, Sx9! Thank you so much for you Encouraging words. yes, All Mothers, are The Tree Bearer's Burden Carriers of Life. Mothers Day, Should Be " Every Day Of The Year, because, A Mothers Unconditional Love, Patience, Understanding and Forgiving Nature Of Heart, Is Every Day Of The Year. I Wasn't Raised by My Mother, but, I Still Thank God For Her, and for Playing a Part In Giving Me Life. And I Pray For Her To Have Blessing In Abundance!! Perhaps, You Will Enjoy another Poem that, I Wrote In In Regards To My Mother, It Is Titled: " I Don't Hate You, Momma " I Hope To have the Opportunity To give It to her One Day! Again, Thank You For Your Comment, and I look forward to reading you writes as well. May You Continue To Be A Blessing & Be Blessed!!! Flower Girl

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.